The Peoples Reserve TPR - Digital Currency has partnered with The New Economy Project

Discover Why The Peoples Reserve Has
Partnered With The New Economy…

Introduction to The People's Reserve

The Peoples Reserve Review :
Empowering the New Economy


In today’s uncertain world, many people are feeling the pressure and stress. The need for significant change and an alternative solution has become more apparent than ever. The Peoples Reserve, also known as TPR, presents itself as a collaboration and a community of like-minded individuals working towards creating a new economy that is built for the people. In this review, we will explore what The Peoples Reserve is, its value as a digital currency, and its unique position in the world of cryptocurrencies.

The Peoples Reserve Review : Empowering the New Economy

The Peoples Reserve LLC has brought our attention to this great distinction…

  • How we tend to see cryptocurrencies.
  • The difference between cryptocurrencies and digital currency.

  • And then – once you understand these differences…
  • How the unique features of The Peoples Reserve put it at the front of the pack as the leading digital currency option, for us all to consider.

It is also notable just how easy the TPR wallet is to use.

Besides the added features to the coin as a digital currency – using it is actually quite intuitive and simple to do. The normal learning curve usually associated with a crypto wallet has been minimised making adoption so much easier. This becomes a small piece but none-the-less, a significant added advantage for The Peoples Reserve.

The Peoples Reserve

What is The Peoples Reserve?

The Peoples Reserve (TPR) is an independent digital currency that aims to provide a trusted and naturally expanding economy for the people. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies, TPR is built on its own independent blockchain, which ensures high transaction speeds and low costs for its users. The Peoples Reserve sees blockchain and it’s algorithms as offering an expansive opportunity for currency and trade and those that participate within the ecosystem.

A Digital Economy for the People

The vision of TPR is to create a digital economy that is easy to use and access that comes with multiple benefits. Imagine building a lively market in the middle of a neighbourhood where people can purchase goods and services, connect, and succeed in giving and innovative way. That’s what TPR wants to be both online and in brick-and-mortar business.

The Genesis and Ideals

Every great movement has its genesis. TPR’s genesis lies in the idea of giving power back to the people. The belief that our world is a community and how that community gets its strength by empowering the people within that global community. This is the foundations what TPR is built on.

The Power of Blockchain Technology

We can all see how blockchain technology has evolved and has become increasingly integrated into our world. What the advanced elements of The Peoples Reserve highlight however, is how blockchain gives us the opportunity to use algorithms to create unusual benefits.

We could even see this as the unsung hero of blockchain. Whilst we do see talk of various algorithms used in coins, it really doesn’t get the attention it should. TPR brings real focus to this unusual power of blockchain.

Why is this?

With the focus being on the best possible form of digital currency, you can see that to do so The Peoples Reserve LLC has seen this potential with blockchain and has become both thoughtful and innovative in using it.

A potent question to ask is…

Where else has this benefit of blockchain been better utilised?

Once asked, it does become clear just how attentive TPR has been in this regard. And it shows it the end result of the TPR coin and it’s value.


As with any technology – there are technical terms. This is the case with the algorithms used by The Peoples Reserve. These algorithms do add tremendous value to the TPR coin.

Our suggestion is to not to get to consumed by the technical terms and simply look at the features they create. This is where the real value is in TPR. We’ve done the very best we can in this review to reveal the technology whilst at the same time really showing the very tangible benefit to those using TPR.

To further help with understanding…

We can think of blockchain as another form of Technology. Just as we don’t really know how one email gets transferred over the Internet from one person to another. We do see and understand that benefit. Similarly, by using the TPR wallet it becomes experiential as well. We realise the value of its features first hand.

Technology Helps us Communicate…

We can see technology in various forms as a way of communicating between two people. In the case of The Internet – two people can use it to communicate via email.

In the case of blockchain it is different – it gives two people the chance to safely and securely transact with each other. This is the revelation and advancement and potential we currently have before us.

TPR Crypto versus Digital Currency

It’s important to differentiate between TPR as a cryptocurrency and TPR as a digital currency. When we talk about TPR as a cryptocurrency, we are referring to its underlying technology and the use of blockchain.

TPR is however, better described as a digital currency.

It’s not built to be traded (bought and sold) as so much of crypto is. Its primary intention is to be used as a form of currency – thus it’s anchoring mechanism explained below.

Not to mention…

The Peoples Reserve is typically part of a complete ecosystem with an intention to be giving and empowering, focusing on trust and creating an alternative option…

As a digital currency, TPR offers a convenient alternative way to transact with others without compromising convenience. We believe this is an important distinction.

Whilst we may want choice – we also want convenience and sense of safety.

TPR provides a simple and reliable method of trading, allowing users to send funds directly to each other’s wallets. Transactions are safe, secure, and can be completed in a matter of seconds.

The Unique Features of TPR

Independent Blockchain

Unlike many cryptocurrencies that access space on existing blockchains, TPR has its own independent blockchain. This distinction allows for faster transaction speeds and essentially erasing costs for those transacting with TPR. Having its own blockchain allows TPR to control and enhance the speed and efficiency of transactions, making sure users have a great experience.

It’s also how The Peoples Reserve has so many of its own unique features…

Rather than accessing another blockchain with limited features available The Peoples Reserve has made the significant commitment to build its own blockchain not just for increased speed but also so the unique features which set it apart could be made available.

The Peoples Reserve is an independent blockchain

TPR takes verification and trust of their independent blockchain very seriously. They’ve proven a strong commitment to this…

They’ve gone to the extent of having a full 3-month, independent blockchain audit done to verify…

  • 1

    All the features of The Peoples Reserve are in place.

  • 2

    There’s no bottlenecks in the technology.

  • 3

    That it is a secure and robust blockchain.

  • 4

    That the number of transactions is proven to be between 1500 and 1900 per second.

This commitment underscores the importance of maintaining the integrity of their blockchain, helping to insure a digital currency that those holding TPR can depend on for their transactions.

We should also mention that the company that performed the audit realised such an extensive blockchain that they commented on how long it must have taken to build.

They had originally stated it would take 6 weeks to complete the audit but it took nearly double that amount of time. They had never seen the features and extensive coding required to achieve these features.

Further showing just how detailed is the construction of The Peoples Reserve Digital Currency and their unwavering commitment to be ahead of the rest.

Anchored Value + Non-Collateralised Algorithm. (NACM)

One of the unique aspects of The Peoples Reserve is the combination of an anchored value and their non-collateralised algorithm. (NACM)

The idea is to attempt to resolve the volatility often seen in cryptocurrencies. And when you consider that TPR is focused on being used as a currency this becomes really important if not crucial.


The TPR Coin is anchored to the last highest price of gold on the exchange.

Currently the last highest price of Gold is 2075 USD and is the value shown for The Peoples Reserve in The TPR wallet.

This anchoring feature is said to be achieved by an algorithm.

So with the value anchored on the exchange to the last highest price of Gold enter now the addition of this complimenting feature…

The Non-Collateralised Algorithm

In simple terms, this algorithm has a built-in mechanism that attempts to influence the supply and demand of The Peoples Reserve to aid in it maintaining its value at the last highest price of Gold.

Sometimes explained as a counter-weight – once again in an attempt to influence supply and demand to the benefit of TPR.

With this mechanism in place, should there be a need to help balance the value of the coin – there’s promise this would occur, as a result of this innovative technology.

Those holding TPR are likely to feel more confident to engage with TPR, knowing this innovative combination of two features is in place to help facilitate the growth of TPR as a leading digital currency.

The Non-Collateralised Algorithm


Consensus is a crucial element to the value of any currency. In the case of TPR, consensus refers to the agreement of value among its users. Just like the value of a $50 note versus a $100 note. One is worth double the other, and that value is supported by the agreement of its users.

Similarly, the value of TPR at the last highest price of gold (in the TPR wallet) is supported by the consensus of those holding TPR. This helps to give TPR its value and allows it to be accepted as a reliable form of payment by businesses and individuals. It’s also why it is so valuable to see business owners accepting TPR at the last highest price of Gold.

This is real-world, real-time consensus of value. So when we see all those business owners (and farmers) accepting TPR at it’s anchored value we should see this as strength of consensus.

And to further strengthen this consensus let us reveal yet another advanced algorithm

TPR has implemented a full consensus mechanism – something called “Permission Proof of Stake.”

You can better understand PPOS in The Peoples Reserve Whitepaper..

PPOS is a way to randomly choose users with a TPR wallet to help make sure transactions are real and the blockchain is safe. It is all done by algorithm so effortless for the wallet holder.

Imagine these users as the protectors of the TPR ecosystem. This agreement, thanks to this system, makes TPR more than just a digital thing; it makes it a currency that people can rely on and use for buying things.

This assurance comes from knowing there are mechanisms in place to help insure the best possible experience.

This agreement is what makes TPR more than just numbers on a screen – it’s a real, useful way to trade and do business in the modern digital world.

Compounding Rewards

Compounding Rewards

One of the standout features of The Peoples Reserve is its compounding rewards, offered to those holding The Peoples Reserve and agreeing to participate in the network.

This incentivizes users to accumulate TPR.

Here’s how it works: imagine planting a seed in fertile soil. Over time, that seed grows into a sturdy tree, bearing more seeds that grow into more trees. Compounding rewards function in a similar manner. The TPR you hold generates rewards, and these are added directly and immediately into your TPR Wallet.

This approach aligns seamlessly with TPR’s missionIt’s about amplifying the capacity to give back to the community, furthering the vision of a world where generosity is a daily practice.

In essence, the compounding rewards within TPR’s ecosystem embody a philosophy of giving. It’s a pathway toward a society where collective prosperity and kindness thrive, and each TPR wallet holder plays an integral role in making this vision a reality.

Here’s how it works: imagine planting a seed in fertile soil. Over time, that seed grows into a sturdy tree, bearing more seeds that grow into more trees. Compounding rewards function in a similar manner. The TPR you hold generates rewards, and these are added directly and immediately into your TPR Wallet.

This approach aligns seamlessly with TPR’s missionIt’s about amplifying the capacity to give back to the community, furthering the vision of a world where generosity is a daily practice.

In essence, the compounding rewards within TPR’s ecosystem embody a philosophy of giving. It’s a pathway toward a society where collective prosperity and kindness thrive, and each TPR wallet holder plays an integral role in making this vision a reality.

The Peoples Reserve: Bridging the Gap

The transition from traditional money to digital currencies is not just a shift in technology but also a paradigm shift in how we perceive and engage with money. Traditional currencies, have served their purpose for centuries. However, their limitations have become increasingly evident.

Digital currencies, particularly those built on blockchain technology, offer a decentralised, secure, reliable and accessible alternative. They transcend borders and provide a level of inclusion previously unheard of. This is where The Peoples Reserve steps in, seeking to bridge the gap and provide a reliable digital currency

The Collaborative Vision: TPR and The New Economy

At the heart of this transition is the collaboration between The Peoples Reserve and The New Economy, a visionary partnership committed to reshaping how we transact on a day-to-day basis. At the foundation of The New Economy is the sense that we need food and other essential resources like power, labour and timber available.

This is why there is an entire strategy in place to motivate farmers, trades, health care practitioners and other essential services to participate.

The strategy is referred to as…

We don’t see such a strategy elsewhere and surely not in the world of crypto.

You truly can see and feel the different intention with…

The Peoples Reserve and The New Economy.

An Encompassing Example…

We can see it all coming together in this one quick, 4-piece example…

Timber For TPR…

1) Landowner makes logs available after clearing his land.

2) Owner of Sawmill makes sawmill available.

3) Another property owner makes land available for milling of timber.

4) Sawmiller makes time available to mill the timber.

And all the way The Peoples Reserve is being transacted between parties. This could not happen without consensus and the spirit of the people attracted to TPR and The New Economy.

The same sort of coming together is seen happening with Farmers and help for the Farmers. It does become quick to see just how formidable a force it all is.


We could say there are 5 critical components or pillars…

1) An innovative form of digital currency – that is visionary and see’s the full potential of blockchain tech.

2) A well-considered new economy strategy that addresses the foundational needs of a healthy economy – and allows the chosen currency to be readily integrated into that strategy.

3) A foundational mindset of those that do participate from…

What can I give first – how can I contribute to this purpose?

4) Motivations and incentives for likeminded people to participate.

5) An inspired team to support it all.


TPR embodies a vision of wholeness, humanity and contribution. It is a multi-pronged digital currency phenomenon. Anchoring its value to the highest recorded price of gold on the exchange seeks to provide reliability. Combining this with their NCAM, to impact supply & demand to the benefit of TPR – can only further foster confidence in TPR as a trusted store of value and medium of exchange.

Adding then – TPR’s native coin status combined with its embedded smart contract capabilities elevate it beyond a mere digital currency. It truly is an innovation. An innovation that allows TPR to define features within the coin itself, unlocking a new realm of possibilities in the digital economy.

Additionally, the compounding rewards offered by TPR create a cycle of growth, encouraging us to accumulate TPR, whilst we simultaneously transacting with each other.

The Core Strength of The Peoples Reserve…

The core strength of TPR, however, lies in its forward-thinking understanding of the power of algorithms via blockchain technology. In particular the foresight to see how to link and combine these algorithms. This creates a combination of features available to all those holding TPR that are otherwise unavailable in other coins. This is all, made possible in the very easy to use TPR wallet. The collaboration with The New Economy only adds to this visionary approach. It’s a model that likewise prioritises the interests of the people. Both parties share the goal of bringing together likeminded individuals with this sense of contribution and common purpose.

This includes…

Empowering farmers, business owners, tradespeople and other essential services to be able to participate. There’s also a great commitment – with a team in place – to finding those that are like-minded. The same commitment is there in providing rewards for those who do want to participate and then support their efforts in the expansion of the entire idea.

As a result…

TPR is poised to revolutionise how trade and transactions occur and how we engage and transact with each other coming from contribution and care and respect for one another.


TPR embodies a vision of wholeness, humanity and contribution. It is a multi-pronged digital currency phenomenon. Anchoring its value to the highest recorded price of gold on the exchange seeks to provide reliability. Combining this with their NCAM, to impact supply & demand to the benefit of TPR – can only further foster confidence in TPR as a trusted store of value and medium of exchange.

Adding then – TPR’s native coin status combined with its embedded smart contract capabilities elevate it beyond a mere digital currency. It truly is an innovation. An innovation that allows TPR to define features within the coin itself, unlocking a new realm of possibilities in the digital economy.

Additionally, the compounding rewards offered by TPR create a cycle of growth, encouraging us to accumulate TPR, whilst we simultaneously transacting with each other.

The Core Strength of The Peoples Reserve…

The core strength of TPR, however, lies in its forward-thinking understanding of the power of algorithms via blockchain technology. In particular the foresight to see how to link and combine these algorithms. This creates a combination of features available to all those holding TPR that are otherwise unavailable in other coins. This is all, made possible in the very easy to use TPR wallet. The collaboration with The New Economy only adds to this visionary approach. It’s a model that likewise prioritises the interests of the people. Both parties share the goal of bringing together likeminded individuals with this sense of contribution and common purpose.

This includes…

Empowering farmers, business owners, tradespeople and other essential services to be able to participate. There’s also a great commitment – with a team in place – to finding those that are like-minded. The same commitment is there in providing rewards for those who do want to participate and then support their efforts in the expansion of the entire idea.

As a result…

TPR is poised to revolutionise how trade and transactions occur and how we engage and transact with each other coming from contribution and care and respect for one another.